
Friday Aug 17, 2012
FPM Play #15: Countdown to the Contest 04
Friday Aug 17, 2012
Friday Aug 17, 2012
Summary: The last day of the countdown to our FPM Play Skylanders Giveaway entry deadline. All entries must be sent in by Friday August 17th at 11:59 EST. In this installment we cover the last two elements of Fire and Air. Enjoy!

Thursday Aug 16, 2012
FPM Play #14: Countdown to the Contest 03
Thursday Aug 16, 2012
Thursday Aug 16, 2012
Summary: Day 03 of the countdown to our FPM Play Skylanders Giveaway entry deadline. All entries must be sent in by Friday August 17th at 11:59 EST. Our new friend Elijah, from Hammond, Indiana, gave us a great idea to have a Skylander element of the day for our countdown format. In this installment we cover the Life and Undead elements. Enjoy!

Wednesday Aug 15, 2012
FPM Play #13: Countdown to the Contest 02
Wednesday Aug 15, 2012
Wednesday Aug 15, 2012
Summary: We are counting down to the end of the first ever FPM Play contest! All entries must be sent in by Friday August 17th at 11:59 EST. Our new friend Elijah, from Hammond, Indiana, gave us a great idea to have a Skylander element of the day for our countdown format. This installment we cover Water and Magic. Enjoy!

Tuesday Aug 14, 2012
FPM Play #12: Countdown to the Contest 01
Tuesday Aug 14, 2012
Tuesday Aug 14, 2012
Summary: We are counting down the days until the first FPM Play contest is over. All entries must be sent in by Friday August 17, 2012 at 11:59 EST. Our new friend Elijah, from Hammond, Indiana, gave us a great idea to have a Skylander element of the day for our countdown format. This installment we cover Earth and Tech. Enjoy!

Saturday Aug 04, 2012
FPM Play #11: Skylanders Alex Ness Interview
Saturday Aug 04, 2012
Saturday Aug 04, 2012
Summary: Our Skylanders interview with Alex Ness is here! Alex works at Toys for Bob, the studio responsible for creating Skylanders Spyro's Adventure. Alex's official title is Chief of Staff but he wears many hats such as writer, voice actor and all around cool guy. We originally thought the interview would be about 20 minutes but we were able to talk for 45 minutes! We touch a little bit on everything including the first Skylanders game, sidekicks and Skylanders Giants. ANNOUNCEMENT: Listen all the way to end to find out how to enter our Skylanders Contest. You could win a brand new Skylander!
♦ [02:15] Contest Tease
Interview of the Week [04:12]
♦ Alex Ness
If you would like to participate on the show as a co-host just send an email to us at feedback@fpmplay.com!

Saturday Jul 21, 2012
FPM Play #10: Summer Family Vacation
Saturday Jul 21, 2012
Saturday Jul 21, 2012
Guest Co-Host: Juan Logan (Jacob's Grandfather!)
Summary: We are back! We had a summer break to do some traveling and now FPM Play is back. This is our Summer podcast part 2. We talk about our Disney vacation with a special guest that walked in the door as we were about to start recording: Jacob's Grandfather! We also talk about Lilo & Stitch, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Wreck-It-Ralph and more.
Show Notes | (CHNL)
♦ Introductions
Check It Out [02:20]
♦ [02:50] Jacob: Lilo & Stitch TV series and movies
♦ [09:30] Andres: Avengers vs. X-Men
♦ [17:25] Juan: Amazing Spider-Man
Can't Wait [19:47]
♦ [20:08] Juan: Oz the Great and Powerful
♦ [22:22] Jacob: Wreck-It Ralph, Rise of the Guardians
♦ [29:15] Andres: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on Nick
Review of the Week [31:28]
♦ Summer Family Vacations
If you would like to participate on the show as a co-host just send an email to us at feedback@fpmplay.com!

Monday Jun 25, 2012
FPM Play #09: HeroesCon Interviews
Monday Jun 25, 2012
Monday Jun 25, 2012
Special Guests: Matt Fraction and Kelly Sue DeConnick!
Summary: FPM Play took the show on the road this past weekend (6/22 - 6/24) and visited HeroesCon 2012. Andres has been going to HeroesCon since 1994 but this was Jacob's first big Comics Convention. While we were there we were fortunate to be able to interview two amazing writers whose work is shaping the landscape of the Marvel Universe: Matt Fraction (Invincible Iron Man, Might Thor) and Kelly Sue Deconnick (Captain Marvel). Special thanks to our guests and to Heroes Aren't Hard to Find in Charlotte, NC for hosting another great convention.
Show Notes | (CHNL)
♦ Introductions
Interview of the Week
♦ [05:33] Matt Fraction
♦ [14:56] Kelly Sue DeConnick
Review of the Week [24:50]
♦ HeroesCon 2012
If you would like to participate on the show as a co-host just send an email to us at feedback@fpmplay.com!

Wednesday Jun 20, 2012
FPM Play #08: Summer
Wednesday Jun 20, 2012
Wednesday Jun 20, 2012
Guest Co-Hosts: Marco (08), Mateo (10)
Summary: Marco and Mateo are back as guest co-host for our most non traditional review yet - summer! We discuss summer likes and dislikes, 3v3 soccer tournaments and more. Enjoy the show and spread the word.
Show Notes | (CHNL)
♦ Introductions
Check It Out [01:28]
♦ [01:40] Marco: 3v3 Soccer Tournament
♦ [04:11] Mateo: Euro 2012 Soccer Tournament
♦ [06:08] Jacob: Gravity Falls
♦ [08:06] Papi: Angry Birds Board Game
Can't Wait [10:25]
♦ [10:36] Jacob: Redaki
♦ [11:58] Mateo: Chelsea Sevens Soccer Tournament
♦ [13:18] Marco: Brave
♦ [15:45] Papi: Amazing Spider-Man
Review of the Week [16:42]
♦ Summer
If you would like to participate on the show as a co-host just send an email to us at feedback@fpmplay.com!

Thursday Jun 14, 2012
FPM Play #07: Men In Black 3
Thursday Jun 14, 2012
Thursday Jun 14, 2012
Guest Co-Host: Tyler (07)
Summary: Men In Black 3 is our Review of the Week with our special guest Tyler. You may remember him from our Camp Jacob special episode. Thanks to Tyler for being on the show and his parents for allowing him to participate.
Show Notes | (CHNL)
♦ Introductions
Check It Out [01:28]
♦ [01:52] Tyler: Cosby Show
♦ [05:00] Jacob: Disney Rush
♦ [06:24] Papi: Iron Man Armored Adventures
Can't Wait [08:11]
♦ [08:30] Tyler: Amazing Spider-Man
♦ [09:40] Tyler: Madagascar 3
♦ [11:01] Jacob: Brave
Review of the Week [12:09]
♦ Men In Black 3
If you would like to participate on the show as a co-host just send an email to us at feedback@fpmplay.com!

Monday Jun 11, 2012
FPM Play #06: Camp Jacob
Monday Jun 11, 2012
Monday Jun 11, 2012
Summary: This is a special Bonus Episode that was recorded during Jacob's 6th birthday party camping sleep over. We have six guest co-hosts and only 2 microphones so sometimes it's hard to hear a few of the comments. Everyone had fun recording this and almost all of them will be guest co-host on the regular show in the future. Thanks guys!

Friday Jun 01, 2012
FPM Play #05: Ultimate Spider-Man
Friday Jun 01, 2012
Friday Jun 01, 2012
Guest Co-Hosts: Marco (08), Mateo (10)
Summary: FPM Play reviews the new Ultimate Spider-Man cartoon airing on Disney X D with our first guest hosts ever, my nephews Mateo & Marco! Apologies to our guests and listeners on the quality of the phone recording. The sounds drops out a few times due to how I recorded the phone call. Lessons learned for next time.
Show Notes | (CHNL)
♦ Introductions
Check It Out
♦ [02:33] Andres: Men In Black 3
♦ [04:15] Mateo: Caught on Camera
♦ [06:10] Jacob: Tron UprisingCan't Wait
♦ [07:56] Mateo: Iron Man 3
♦ [09:38] Mateo: Madagascar 3
♦ [12:00] Marco: Brave
♦ [15:35] Jacob: Ice Age 4
♦ [18:08] Andres: Amazing Spider-Man
Review of the Week
♦ [21:07] Ultimate Spider-Man
If you would like to participate on the show as a co-host just send an email to us at feedback@fpmplay.com!

Tuesday May 22, 2012
FPM Play #04: Skylanders
Tuesday May 22, 2012
Tuesday May 22, 2012
Summary: In this episode we review one of our favorite video games: Skylanders. We also try a new expanded show format.
♦ Introductions
Check It Out
♦ [01:02] Tron Uprising
♦ [02:09] Kung Fu High Impact
♦ [02:55] Mom's Cameo
Can't Wait
♦ [05:35] Madagascar 3
♦ [08:29] Lego Batman 2
Review of the Week [10:50]
♦ Skylanders
If you would like to participate on the show as a co-host just send an email to us at feedback@fpmplay.com!

Saturday May 12, 2012
FPM Play #03: Avengers Review
Saturday May 12, 2012
Saturday May 12, 2012
Summary: This is our review of Marvel's Avengers. In Mighty Marvel tradition make sure you stick around after the credits.

Thursday May 03, 2012
FPM Play #02: Avengers Preview
Thursday May 03, 2012
Thursday May 03, 2012
Summary: Jacob and I get ready for The Avengers by breaking down the most recent Avengers trailer. We watch the trailer and pause it along the way to discuss what we are seeing and how that will tie into the full Avengers movie.
Link to the trailer: The Avengers Trailer #2

Wednesday May 02, 2012
FPM Play #01: Phineas & Ferb
Wednesday May 02, 2012
Wednesday May 02, 2012
Summary: FPM Play is a podcast where a father and his 5 year old son discuss the world of current pop culture and how it relates to them. We cover TV, Movies, Video Games, Books and more. We encourage every parent out there to have active conversations with their kids about the media they are consuming and exposed to on a daily basis.
In this inaugural episode we discuss the Disney X D show Phineas & Ferb.